Honest Exploration: The Foundation of Addiction Recovery

Today we’re talking about some of the biggest principles that IGNTD Recovery operates under. Just like building a house or starting a new relationship, if your foundation is shaky, then even the most beautiful construction isn’t going to matter because everything is going to crumble down the line. So that’s why today I want to discuss honest exploration.

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The Lie of the Addiction Gene

Recently, we interviewed Bruce Lipton (who wrote one of my favorite books, The Biology of Belief) on the IGNTD Relationships podcast. Today, I want to share insights and key takeaways from the lessons in his book; specifically relevant to addiction, mental health, and internal struggles. Enjoy!

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Finding Your Road To Recovery with Jessica Jeboult

In this episode, Jessica will be bringing her unique view on sober living. She shares her honest truth about how she got to where she is today, what she was doing and what she was like at her lowest low, what her turning point was and how she began her sober living, and now what she does — being two years sober — to further her sobriety journey, and how she helps others through her platform.

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Unpopular Opinion: Addiction and Drugs

Today I want to discuss with you all some of the ways I’m seeing the current addiction treatment system failing. It’s not an easy or popular conversation to have — but I think we’re failing people left and right here, and the overdose rates are continuing to go up. I hope you’ll join me today to dive deeper into this topic and try looking at addiction from a different perspective.

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Walking The Line

Today, I’m going to share with you the secrets that I’ve learned over my lifetime, about how to get in less fights with people, resolve those fights faster, and live a life with less conflict.

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