Manifesting Your Everyday Passion into Your Career with Dr. Deepika Chopra

This episode is about being unconventional. Usually, we start off our careers in ways that are just kind of “run of the mill” but sometimes… we take that little turn and find ourselves in a completely different place, years down the line.

And our guest today, Dr. Deepika Chopra, did just that. She is an Optimism Doctor and Visual Imagery Expert who started out pursuing traditional therapy. Now, she works with clients and corporations globally to increase their personal optimism factor and help them reach their highest selves. And if you haven’t already heard of an Optimism Doctor or Visual Imagery Expert — that’s OK! You may not have heard of it because she specializes in a career that she has coined herself!

From explaining how visual imagery works to what optimism truly is about, Dr. Deepika explains it all. She tells us about how external stimuli can deeply affect you and your mind, how confirmation bias works (and how you can combat it), why traditional therapy and the labels we put on mental disorders may not always be the best forms of treatment, and why we should tailor every person’s therapy to their individual needs.

Topics Discussed:

[:49] About our guest today, Dr. Deepika Chopra.

[2:00] Our fan of the week.

[3:25] The theme of this week’s episode and our experience with it.

[12:19] Sophie shares her latest Magical Monday email (from her Philosophie newsletters).

[14:31] About our Wheel of Life, available when you subscribe on

[16:21] Our relationship tip of the week!

[19:58] The conversation portion of the podcast with Deepak Chopra!

[20:47] Dr. Deepika Chopra introduces herself.

[21:15] Deepika explains sensory-based visual imagery: what it is and how she got into it.

[28:00] Does Deepika feel that — in a stereotypical, traditional clinical setting — we get a little too wrapped up in what an OCD patient is?

[29:54] Deepika’s experience with a traditional psychologist and why she decided to veer off into a different path.

[34:53] How optimism and visual imagery works in Deepika’s practice.

[40:29] What optimism is truly about, as Deepika describes it.

[43:13] How external stimulus can deeply affect you and your mood.

[45:37] Deepika’s confirmation bias and how she’s working to combat it through optimism.

[49:42] How to flip the switch on confirmation bias.

[51:12] Why traditional labels and therapy for mental disorders (or addictions) may not always be the best treatment. Treatment is personal and it is different for everybody!

[54:58] Why affirmations don’t always work and can sometimes be very detrimental.

[1:04:34] How to open up to affirmations.

[1:07:46] The importance of looking at both sides of the coin.

[1:12:29] Where to follow Dr. Deepika online!

[1:15:52] Some of the best advice Deepika has ever received.

[1:25:03] What has been Deepika’s proudest moment.

[1:26:26] What has been Deepika’s hardest moment.

[1:27:46] Deepika’s self-care rituals.

[1:29:06] What ignites Deepika?

Relationship Tip of the Week

Allow yourself to find your own path while also respecting your partner in their search for their own path.

Mentioned in this Episode:

The Philosophie (Subscribe to the newsletter to get the Magical Monday emails!) (Sign up for the newsletter and get our Wheel of Life assessment for free!)

The Law of Attraction

“The Power of the Crystal with the Energy Muse Masters” (IGNTD episode)

“Learning to Manifest and Align with Your Most Authentic Self with Lacy Phillips” (IGNTD episode)

@DrDeepikaChopra on Instagram

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