Embracing Your Female Sexuality with Kiana Reeves of Foria Wellness

To keep you all warm in the month of December we're focusing on intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality! Things might get a little hot in here! And we're so, so lucky to be joined by Kiana Reeves, the brand manager of Foria Wellness, for this first episode of the month!

To keep you all warm in the month of December we’re focusing on intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality! Things might get a little hot in here! And we’re so, so lucky to be joined by Kiana Reeves, the brand manager of Foria Wellness, for this first episode of the month! But, be warned, if you listen to IGNTD around your kids… maybe put the headphones on for this one. Today’s conversation alone gets pretty spicy.

We talk embracing sexuality and sensuality without shame; empowering female sexuality; promoting self-pleasure; the ethics of the porn industry; the lack of tools and resources we have around healthy models of intimacy and sexuality; understanding foreplay; learning how to communicate what you want in bed; and how to engage with your own sensuality, reignite the spark between you and your partner, and re-tap into your pleasure!

Kiana seriously brings it in today’s podcast! We’re really excited to share this conversation with you all as our opening for our sexuality and sensuality month! It’s a really intimate and raw conversation that is so important whether or not you’re in a relationship.

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Topics Discussed:

[:35] About this month’s theme!

[1:27] Reading our review of the week! Remember, if you leave a review and we pick it to read on the podcast we’ll send you a little care package from us!

[2:45] Our take on hate comments and negative feedback.

[7:32] Sophie reads a quote by Rupi Kaur from her book, The Sun and Her Flowers.

[8:00] A bit about today’s episode and what we hope you take away from it.

[11:33] Reflecting on our month of gratitude and considering why we chose this month’s theme.

[13:39] The importance of talking about sex and embracing sexuality and sensuality without shame.

[17:08] The ‘line’ that exists for all of us.

[21:45] Understanding different responses to sexuality.

[23:30] Why we really wanted to have today’s conversation.

[28:50] The conversation portion of the podcast with Kiana Reeves.

[30:45] Welcoming Kiana on to the podcast!

[32:27] What inspired Kiana to be a part of the sex-forward company, Foria Wellness?

[36:33] Speaking about how sex education often comes in the form of porn for men.

[38:11] Kiana speaks about the importance of intimacy with sexuality and breaking free from shame.

[41:58] Empowering women, promoting self-pleasure, and the ethics of the porn industry.

[44:27] What porn teaches young males about sex.

[47:22] Our first experience with Foria products.

[48:37] Discussing the lack of tools and resources we have around modeling healthy discussions and experiences about sex.

[51:00] Foria and Kiana’s philosophy around sex, intimacy, and communication; and how their products help achieve intimacy.

[56:20] Understanding foreplay and learning how to communicate what you need during sex with your partner.

[1:03:45] The importance of engaging your own sensuality and sexuality.

[1:05:05] Sex with your partner after children.

[1:08:08] Do you talk with your partner openly about what you like sexually?

[1:10:10] How to reignite the spark between you and your partner and re-tap into your pleasure.

[1:19:37] The magic and science behind Foria Wellness’ products!

[1:28:38] What is the best advice Kiana has ever received?

[1:29:31] What has been Kiana’s proudest moment to-date?

[1:30:36] What has been one of Kiana’s hardest moments to-date?

[1:31:26] What is Kiana’s self-care routine? How does she make sure to show up as her best self every day?

[1:32:37] What ignites Kiana?

[1:33:04] Tag all three of us on social media and let us know what resonated the most with you!

Mentioned in this Episode:

The Sun and Her Flowers, by Rupi Kaur

“The True Struggles of Transformation” Adi Jaffe TEDx Talk

Kiana Reeves

Foria Wellness

Kiana’s Instagram

Erika Lust

CBD Arousal Oil — Awaken (Foria Wellness)

Flow CBD Vape (Foria Wellness)

CBD Intimacy Suppositories (Foria Wellness)

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Facebook: IGNTD

Instagram: @IGNTD.me

Sophie’s Instagram: @Sophie.Jaffe

Adi’s Instagram: @DrAdiJaffe

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